Activate any Jetbrains IDEA Please visit the address

Short instructions to activate any Jetbrains IDEA based IDE:

  1. Download (230914) from one of the mirrors
  2. Unzip it to a folder where it will be permanently located (DO NOT DELETE it after activation!)
  3. Run the script to set the environment variables appropriate for your system scripts/install*
  4. Reboot to allow the environment variables to take effect
  5. Open the IDE and activate with the code from
    Same with images: Windows, OSX/Linux

If that doesn't work, use manual activation via editing the .vmoptions file:

  1. Open the IDE and from the gear icon menu select Edit Custom VM Options
  2. Paste in the opened window
    where /path/to the path where you unpacked the jetbra archive
  3. Close and restart the IDE, enter the activation code from

As far as we know, JB login does not interfere with activation

WARNING: plugins that use cloud services (AI Assistant, Copilot, etc) cannot be activated by design. Free alternative to AI services

Eg my vmoptions info:


2024-12-13 更新:

如果你的新版本IDE使用ja-netfilter之后一会就发现许可无法识别,请在 config-jetbrains\url.conf 中添加:


具体原因是一些被识别为CN的用户,会使用新的域名进行验证。 详情见: